If I was going to retire right now I would at least make sure I have about 5 million in stocks or in the bank. Anything less I would wait till I reached that limit. As another one said the American dollar is going down and will continue. Just look at how many people have a million dollars now. It topped over 30% in the last year. 5 million to be safe if not more. With the 5 million in the bank and if you can do around 8-10% a year with investment you can live quite a nice life. Also the 10% on investments is very doable as well.
So let's look at worst case scenario here and you only do 8% a year on your investments. Your yearly return on all your investments would be roughly $400,000. Now if you need that much to live on for a year then your probably spending a little too much...lol. If I retired today I would live easily on $100,000. So that means you have $300,000 left over to leave in your investments and make even more money. Three years down the road you brought home roughly $100,000 and put close to another million in the bank. Now yes there is always the taxes and blah blah, but I am not going to calculate all that.
I think you could do it with 1 million, but again depends on the lifestyle you have, but I would like the extra insurance there so that's why I say I would wait till around 5 million. You ask any broker or financial adviser what a comfortable number would be and almost 90% of them would say anywhere around 5 million. Bright side is this wouldn't even count what social security you might get as well. Any money from social security will just be a plus for me as I won't be expecting anything from that.